
Recognition of foreign professional qualifications (§§16d or 16f AufenthG)

16.07.2023 - Article

Since 1 August 2015, it is possible to obtain a visa for the recognition of professional qualifications acquired abroad (e.g. nursing, geriatric care, pharmacists or doctors) in accordance with §§16d and 16f of the Residence Act.

The prerequisite is that in Germany, at the office responsible for professional recognition (Chamber of Crafts or Medical Association, District Government, District Office, Senate Administration) an application for licence to practise or equivalence has already been applied and the examination or assessment has shown that that there is a lack of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and experience or language deficits. (Defizitbescheid)

Section §16d of the Residence Act offers you the following options:

- Completing a qualification measure including periods of practical work.
- Taking the examinations following courses, including the announcement of the examination result
- Taking up employment in parallel to the qualification measure (up to 10 hours/week independent of the qualification measure or without time restrictions in connection with the later employment).

Processing period

The processing period may take 3-6 months. During the processing period you cannot inquire about the status of your application. Upon expiry of the processing period only the applicant, his/her legal representative or persons holding an authorization letter from the applicant may inquire about the status of the visas.


The fee is 75,00 €, payable in QAR cash or by international credit card in Euro (Mastercard, Visa). Euro cash, checks or debit cards are not accepted. The application form can be downloaded for free.

Necessary documents

Please bring the following documents in the mentioned order to your appointment at the Embassy. Additional documents may in some cases be requested. Documents sent in advance will not be archived.

Complete the online application form (application forms are required for each applicant separately; all children require separate forms).

Bring one printed and signed form including the barcodes to your appointment.

A valid passport signed by the holder, issued within the last 10 years and valid for at least one year is necessary. The passport needs to have at least 2 subsequent blank pages. Please bring 1 photocopy of the passport biodata page to your appointment.

1 fully biometric passport photo, 35 x 45 mm, no older than three months. Digitally altered passport photos cannot be accepted. Please ensure that your photo adheres to German biometric requirements and is taken in front of a white/bright background.

Bring your valid Qatar residence permit (QID) and 1 photocopy to your appointment.

If the responsible office for professional recognition (Chamber of Crafts or Medical Association, District Government, District Office, Senate Administration) states after the evaluation of your professional qualifictions that that there your language skills are not sufficient to take up your desired occupation, usually at least B2, you must provide proof of registration at a language institute where you can take a specialised language exam.

Partial notification of recognition by the body responsible for recognition see www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de

1 copie

(at least 1027€ per month by means of a blocked account), alternatively, an employment contract can also be submitted if you are employed in parallel to your recognition.

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1 set of copies

Language skills according to the European Framework of Reference (telc GmbH, ÖSD, Goethe Institut and TestDaF Institut e.V.) according to the requirements of the qualification measure (in cases of the medical language examination at least B2 level required).
1 Copie, if applicable, registration for a language course in preparation for the medical language examination (Deutsch für Mediziner - Zertifikat telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medizin)

Including Tabular curriculum vitae on the professional career in German or English language

1 copie

You can find out whether your foreign higher education qualification is equivalent in the ANABIN database. If you do not have a university degree but another type of qualification, please contact the “Zentrale Servicestelle Berufsanerkennung (ZSBA)” of the Federal Employment Agency

Book an appointment

Please use our online appointment booking system. Booking via telephone or email is not possible. At the appointment, you will submit all required documents and pay the visa processing fee. You will be interviewed with regard to your planned stay in Germany and your biometric data (passport photograph and fingerprints) will be collected.

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