
German Passports and IDs


Reisepass der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, © dpa

29.02.2024 - Article

General Information

The following pages contain only the most important information about German passports and are meant for German citizens who do not speak German. Please check the German version of this webpage for complete information about German passports.

A new passport law has come into effect in Nov. 2007. Under this law it is obligatory to store fingerprints on a microchip imbedded in German passports. This is mandatory for all passport applicants from the age of six years and older.

Applicants must come in person to apply for a passport.

Passport application for adults

Please note that only completed applications will be accepted.

Please submit the following original documents plus one copy..

Required documents:

  • A duly completed passport application form (please ensure that you sign the form)
  • One recent biometric passport photograph
  • Current passport
  • Qatari ID
  • Birth Certificate (in some cases legalization of the document is required)
  • Marriage Certificate (if your name changed through marriage or if you wish to change it, legalization of the document might be required)
  • Name Declaration, if applicable
  • Deregistration certificate from the German Resident's Registration Office (“Abmeldebescheinigung” vom Einwohnermeldeamt), if German residency is registered in the present passport
  • German Certificate of Naturalisation (“Einbürgerungsurkunde”), if applicable
  • If you are holding a citizenship certificate (even if expired), please submit it with your application
  • further documents as per your category listed below

Processing a passport can be facilitated if you possess any of the following documents which prove the citizenship of family members or ancestors, from whom you derive your German citizenship:

  • Citizenship certificates (even if expired)
  • previous German passports or IDs
  • “Vertriebenenausweise” according to §15 of the Bundesvertriebenengesetz (old version untill December 31, 1992) or
    “Spätaussiedlerbescheinigung” according to §15 of the Bundesvertriebenengesetz (newest Version)
  • Naturalisation certificate

Processing a passport can take from six to eight weeks. Please submit your application at leaset three months prior to the expiry of your passport. If there are compelling reasons (please provide proper proof, e.g. flight tickets, medical certificates, etc.) to get a passport on short notice, a temporary passport can be issued while simultaneously applying for a new passport.

Note: In individual cases you may be asked to submit further documentation.

Passport application for minors

All minors must accompany their parents when applying for a passport.
Children six years and older must submit their fingerprints.

Please submit the following original documents and one copy

Required Documents:

  • A duly completed application form. The application form must be signed by both parents. If you have sole guardianship, please submit the applicable court order. If one parent cannot be present, a signed consent form (parent or legal guardian) for the application of a German travel document for the child is required. The signature must be certified by a German authority.
  • One recent passport photograph according to biometric specifications
  • Birth certificate of the child. Please note that non-German certificates might have to be legalized or affixed with an Apostille. Certificates issued in Qatar must also be legalized,
  • Current passport
  • German passports of parents
  • Parents' Qatar IDs
  • Parents' Marriage Certificate (legalized or affixed with an Apostille if foreign document)
  • Name Declaration if applicable
  • Deregistration certificate from the German registration office (“Abmeldebescheinigung” vom Einwohnermeldeamt), if German residency is registered in the previous passport
  • German Certificate of Naturalisation (“Einbürgerungsurkunde Naturalisation Certificate” or German “Beibehaltungsgenehmigung” if applicable

Processing a passport can take from six to eight weeks. Please submit the application approximately three months before the current passport expires. If there are compelling reasons (valid proof needed, eg. flight tickets, medical certificate) to receive a passport on short notice, a temporary passport can be issued when applying for a new passport.

Passport fees

The following fees must be paid in Qatari Riyals (according to current exchange rate) when submitting an application. Credit cards are also accepted (Master and Visa Cards only). The applicable amount will be deducted from your credit card account.

1. Basic fees:

Biometric passport (applicants 24 years and older) 101,00 Euro
Biometric passport (applicants below 24 years of age) 68,50 Euro
Temporary passport 57,00 Euro
overseas surcharge included in the above fees 31,00 Euro

2. If you are still registered in Germany an additional fee (“Unzuständigkeitszuschlag”) will be charged as follows:

Biometric passport (applicants 24 years and older) 140,00 Euro
Biometric passport (applicants below 24 years of age) 75,00 Euro
Temporary passport 52,00 Euro
overseas surcharge not included
31,00 Euro

3.biometric passports with 48 pages instead of 32 can be issued (recommended for frequent travellers) and/or an express service can be requested (processing time approx. 3 weeks instead of approx. 8 weeks) for additional fees:

Biometric passport (48 pages) 22,00 Euro
Express service rate 32,00 Euro
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