German International School Doha

DISD, © Deutsche Internationale Schule Doha
German Schools Abroad are funded by the Federal Republic of Germany and equipped with professional teaching staff. Students receive a bilingual education. The German International School Doha is one of the most outstanding schools in the country thanks to its educational and academic quality as well as its bicultural profile.
The school is divided into kindergarten, primary school (first to fourth grade), lower secondary school (fifth to tenth grade) and upper secondary school (eleventh to twelfth grade). An intermediate school-leaving certificate is offered at the end of the lower secondary level. Since 2016, students can obtain a university entrance qualification with the International Baccalaureate (mixed language German/English).
In December 2018, the German International School Doha was awarded the official quality seal “Excellent German School Abroad” according to the Bund-Länder-Inspektion (BLI).
The school is run as an all-day school and employs 28 teachers (as of Feb. 2022).
Lessons fulfill the quota timetable of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs and are taught in German language, based on the curricula of the State of Thuringia. Due to its importance in the country, the English language is taught from 1st grade of primary school, whereas the French language is taught from grade five. The foreign languages are partially taught by native-speaking teachers. In view of the school's Arabic environment, Arabic regional studies and history have been added to the curriculum for all students and Islamic studies as well as Arabic as a mother tongue for the Arabic native speaker students.
Principal: Patric Heiler
Vice-principal: Diana Guthmann
Homepage of the DIS Doha